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Thursday, July 4, 2013

Last night's Power Cut

blog 3/7 chenxi's awesome world
It is night time right now, and guess what?(。・_・。)
THERE IS NO POWER RIGHT NOW!It's been 1hr already with no elictricity '_' You might be wondering how am I online then? weell..mine is a laptop, it doesn't need to be pluged the whole time of course. And the enternet of curse, I wrote it on a document first. I'm supposed to be doing homework/assignment buut...there is no power :( I hope my laptop does not run out of power too...since its not pluged. I feel kinda bored even though I am typing. It is SO dark right not and my laptop screen is shining SO bright. This 'no electricity situation started at 7pm. The time now is 8;:10. but when you read this, it might be the day after my typing tonight. '_'  bye ^_^ wish me good luck with this dark night...

Later on:
It's SO much fun playing with the flashlights in the dark, and having puppet shows with torches instead of TV (LOL). Really...It was like watching TV during my marvellous puppet show. At night I felt mega tired MAN. When I was about to fall asleep, which was around lights came on when I was ABOUT TO FALL ASLEEP ಠ_ಠ !
BTW the TV downstairs was on and we had to go down and turn it of LOL.  ☜(⌒▽⌒)☞ I feel so happy! Don't know why?

1 comment:

  1. I know about this! It was funny how the tv was on! HEHE
