sorry that it is the other way round. I couldn't turn it to the right way '_' :(l) <---what does this look like? If you can comment, tell me. Also comment and tell me how much you would rate my finger pic out of 10. ^_^ OMG it's like dark now no sun now, it is GONE! OOooo there is a moon 'HI MOON' (sorry) Guess what? I am still in my school uniform. Sometimes you are just TOO lazy to dinner is like nearly ready and my parents & bro r not home yet. Tell the truth guys, are you enjoying my blog so far? I mean really. tell me if you can comment.wait...I can hear my parents car coming.LATERS gotta GO. ^_^
This happened after I typed gotta go:
I had dinner. JUST finished. so I can do an update of the other bit of this post.
My tummy is feeling full :( ...............BTW if you can't comment then here is my email: or only email if you can't comment. (optional)
thank to those people who are reading my blog ^_^ please keep visiting my blog as there will be more exciting things for you to read.
This is a invisible drive thru prank (from youtube) It is really funny mostly the ending.
PLEASE watch it.
OK! AND COOL! Wow what a long post and lol sis is stealing your choc and i cant believe you are still in your school uniform! Lol ok bye!
ReplyDeleteWhat an awesome post! I'm enjoying your blog so much and the pic well I rate 8/10! ok is that fine well gotta sleep tatatata