Ihay people! I went to a Waihi gold mine today (in nz) It was a school trip. It was a long drive to the mine, about 2hrs. I was writing my diary mostly when we were going to the mine. It was funny writing about what my BF was doing ^_^ lol. The bus that we went in was like a Fancy bus that was blue. It had air conditioner, curtains, (BTW u were aloud to eat & drink too!) seat belts(?), carpet, comfy chairs, lights and we also had a TOILET (?) in the bus. We went to a museum 1st that has all the info about the waihi mine, even the history, it was fun hanging out there. For lunch, we had it at a park for 1/2 hr while playing on the playground too. When it was nearly 3pm we went for a walk in tunnels & we saw GLOW WORMS= soo coool! They were like tiny little stars (green shiny ones)also it was very muddy and dark! It was like pitch black; My torch wasn't bright enough to light my path but it was ok, I still could see where I was going by only shining it on the footpath. We also crossed bridges, only 10 at a time & they were very wobbly. I was like a journalist through out this trip because I was the only one that had a note book & a pen+recording everything that I was doing. Plus some mining info. That is how a teacher described me=a journalist. I actually love writing. these are some possibility's of what I will be: an author, journalist, scientist or a fashion designer (hat writes about fashion). what do you think?Comment and tell me what u think if u can. When we were coming back on the bus, Jess & I were finishing our lunch and playing I spy=FUN!
gonna put some pics of the trip soon, btw here is a pic of my gold
Like this pic? I took it at home. do u know what this is? ^_^
does it look like real gold?
BTW the actual size is actually quite tiny. maybe as big as your eyes? don't know.
TIP: on the right side, top of my blog you will see some headings like '2013' June, May ect click on 2013 & you will be able to see everything on my blog including my old posts ^_^
This is a pic of the waihi gold mine.
It is really DEEP!!! Maybe as deep as the sky tower in auckland? think so.
I will put up some more pictures soon of the mine as my BF is sending them to me.

Look! This is real silver that I held on the bus. It is REAL I tell you!
And this is REAL gold that we got to look at too on the bus!
This little piece of gold is worth...$2000!!!!!!! OMG! alot for just a little piece of gold!
This is the inside tunnel of an olden day mine.
See the train tracks?
This is one of the mining machines.
It is way bigger than us!
This is a mini figure of the olden day tunnel mines.
Train tracks again! we couldn't go inside. :(
This is a mini figure of Waihi/town
can you see the waihi gold mine?
Can you see a useful machine?
for mining.
Here is another little olden day town figure of Waihi.
The lights will lit up when you stand on this mat. It was creepy at 1st when I did not know. ^_^
This is part of the picture above.
See the light reflection?
....Part of the pic too (again) ^o^
<----This is an inside of a mine
can you see a man in there working?
These are some rocks and crystals.
these too are rocks and crystals.
This is a pic Jess took when we were on our window walk.
Does it look cool?
Close up of mine that Jess took
Man these wheels are
This is something we saw in the Waihi museum.
Inside of a mine again.
teehee ^o^
Olden day train tracks. they are mining.
waste rocks on a conveyor belt ------------->
Our bus looked like this on the outside.
BTW my BF Jess took all the pics ^_^ tata